OK, so Amy e-mailed to remind me I had a blog and I needed to update it. So I have spent the last three days putting it together and it was fun. My last post was in September, '08, so here's a quick little catch -up on what has been happening since then. Please excuse the format, those pictures lined up real nice until I posted it and they hopped all over the place.
God blessed us with another grandson, Gavin Tristan Miller, born October 21, 2008. I got to fly to New York to meet my new little grandson and he is as sweet as can be and his brother, DJ, told Papa that Gavin is his baby. That stood strong until papa said he would trade him a puppy for Gavin and DJ agreed.
While visiting in New York, we got a call from Adrian Jr. that our precious grandson, Tristan went home to be with the Lord. We know he is happy and no longer suffering. We miss him but look forward to seeing him in heaven with open arms and that sweet spunky little spirit.We were blessed to be his grandparents and be apart of his life here on earth.
Tristan Scott Howell
March 23,1999 - November 7, 2008

We celebrated Christmas with Stacey & Tammy's family and Amy's family joined later. We had our traditional birthday cake for Jesus and we all sang "Happy Birthday" to him. A family tradition started when our children were young and I am happy to see that all four of our children have continued on with this tradition with their families and added even more to help their children learn the true meaning of Christmas.
We all had a fun time visiting Natural Bridges Park to see the Monarchs and play at the beach. Seeing all this through the eyes of a child makes it much more fun. Uncle D, Lauren & Avery spotted the Monarchs, Addison & Kaden (8 mos. ) explored the beach & DJ saw his first Monarch butterflies.
We were excited that Stacey and her boys planned to stay a couple of months after Christmas with us. DJ enjoyed time with his cousins, celebrating Kenyon's birthday, horses, dogs & cats, the doghouse "he dubbed Lugi's Tire Shop", and became a true little country boy and Gavin grew and enjoyed his outdoor adventures. Papa and Grandma enjoyed watching DJ's antics, Gavin's smiles and coos, and time with Stacey. Thank you Daryn for letting them stay. So as I remember it you said you'd be back in 3 years, well it's here. When's the moving date?

God has blessed us with a new grandson, J'onn James Tristan Scott Howell, 7lbs 6oz., 20"
You can never have too many grandchildren.

Papa surprised us with a new little 1/2 wolf & 1/2 siberian husky we call him "Wolfy"

I can't let this month go by without a great big THANK YOU to Amy & Kyle for organizing and reorganizing my garages. Kyle built shelves, moved furniture, boxes and more boxes. Amy reorganized all that and more which I am extremely grateful for. Amy had tarps out in the drive way for keepers, give away, & trash it and it was very emotional and painful for me but I am for the better now even though I fought her every step of the way. They worked two days straight from dawn to midnight. Now, who has a son-in-law that would do that for his mother-in-law, and still talk to her, and a daughter that would be willing to battle it out and tug-o-war with her mother to help her get more organized despite herself? I am so happy to say that I do. Now I have a very organized garage for all my stuff, that I can now find easily, a nice play room for the grandkids and a happier husband. thank you, thank you, thank you
Thanks to Adia sharing with Papa that her filly, Sierra, should have a Nevada, Papa went out and found a colt, that looks like Sierra's twin. He named the colt, Nevada. No more sharing any horse ideas with Papa Adia we have enough horses now. You would think they really were twins, Sierra and Nevada, the way they always stay close together.

DJ & Gavin go to "John Baptiste the Barber" with papa to get a haircut.
DJ liked John, Gavin was very interested and John has been doing papa's hair for over 40 years. He even gave Uncle Jr. his first hair cut. John is waiting for Gavin to return for his first cut.

Stacey, DJ, Gavin & Grandma went to the Discovery Museum.

Avery's first sleepover with Grandma & Papa all by herself and she didn't even get homesick. With all of Amy's family celebrations home schooling we had to be sure we celebrated St. Patrick's Day with Avery. We made clover leaf hamburger patties, green rice pilaf, green broccoli, green sherbert punch, and a special green shamrock cake for dessert. Avery made sure we all had our green on for the day.
We celebrated Brooke's 4yr. birthday with her favorite "Tinkerbell" and made fondant cookies with Aunt Amy (a special request from Brooke who wanted Aunt Amy to plan her party).
Papa surprised us with a new puppy, Koda, 1/2 wolf & 1/2 siberian husky, because this was what he really wanted. He decided he didn't like the looks of Wolfy. Said he didn't pick Wolfy, Wolfy picked him. Well, I hope he's happy now. Wolfy is way to friendly to be wolf and Koda circles you all the time just like a wolf would before he'll come to you.

Not even a week later, thanks to Tammy on an outing with Papa,
suggested we should have a white wolf too when they saw Loba, a 5mo. old, 1/2 wolf & 1/2 siberian husky and of course Papa thought that was a great idea too. Her eyes are so blue they look white almost. She's very friendly and fit right in with the other dogs.

Three wolf puppies in all the colors and one chocolate lab, Max, one jack russell, Pepper, who is the boss, and Max & Wolfy love to tease unmercifully, four cats, and 8 horses (2 expecting). I think papa needs to quit & enjoy what he has, although I overheard him & Tammy talking about a miniature pig and building a pen for her Macaw to move in too. It won't be long we won't be just the " Lazy H Ranch " but the "CRAZY Lazy H Ranch".

This is papa & Roxy (the neighbor horse he has been working with) that spooked while riding her. She bucked him off and ruptured a cyst on his kidney and caused some bleeding within the kidney. When the bleeding stops and the pain is gone he will be going in to have the other cysts removed so when he falls again it won't be quite so painful, for his kidneys anyway.

We celebrated Easter with Tammy, Marc & the girls and went to a brunch on Pebble Beach. It was beautiful and the food was delicious and it was a nice day all around. Of course we had to find the eggs when we got home and finish off playing with the horses. We did discuss what Easter was really all about and Lauren shared everything she learned at school about the true meaning of Easter. We are so thankful for such a loving God that knew we would need a Savior.