I am quickly going to publish these and continue the update on another posting because my computer is acting strange and I am afraid of losing everything. Got more to show you so til later enjoy.
May, I attended a play both Adia and Avery were in
" Samson Brings the House Down"
It was too cute and they both did awesome in their parts. But I must admit Adia played the part of a "ditzy angel" just to good to be thinking she was acting.

Bubba and Papa working on their relationship. Right now it tends to be a real love / hate relationship. Bubba has his moods that don't coinside with Papa's and feather's fly. So it's always kiss and make-up with them.

My big 6-0 and Tammy got me this special birthday cake to celebrate !
(she's an undeniable daddy's girl - she thought she was so funny)

Adrian bought me a couple of miniature donkeys "He-Ho & Rory"
nicknames given to us by our cousin Jack.
(of course he had plenty of "Ass" jokes prepared to go along with them)
This is the cutest one "Rory" that was my nickname.
they are both very sweet, people friendly, and yes they bray very loudly and
they are boosom buddies.

After the donkeys he then took me for a ride up the coast through the Redwoods and we stayed at Cache Creek Casino the first night. Adrian had a full service message & facial waiting for me while he played Texas Hold'em. Then we had a nice dinner and I played the penny slots and won a $2,000 Jack Pot (that I got to keep - after all it was part of my birthday). Then the next day we stayed at a cottage in Little River with a beautiful view of the ocean.

Then the Ben-Bow Inn in the Redwoods.
Both places were quaint, had beautiful views and excellent restuarants.

Then we drove through the "Avenue of the Giant Redwoods" every bit of it. Adrian was getting restless one tree was the same as the next for him but it was all overwhelmingly
beautiful for me .

Papa helping the new little kittens & the mama he found inside a water meter hole while donkey shopping . Someone had dumped them so Papa rescued them and brought them home. The kittens were pretty healthy but poor mama cat she was so thin trying to take care of her babies but now she is much better. Now the kitty count is up to 11.

July 2nd a very special day for our birthday girl "Erin" at Gilroy Gardens to
celebrate her 3rd birthday.
Lauren & Adia on "Sally, baby watch" sleeping out for two nights awaiting baby's arrival

7/11 at 4:30pm Sally started labor (I will spare you all the detailed pictures of the birthing process we were all so excited to get to watch from beginning to end)

Everyone is so excited the baby has arrived approximately 5:30pm and Papa is anxiously waiting for the opportunity to find out if he got the colt he wanted or another filly.

Surprise ! Papa got another little filly. Her name is SHASTA.

Papa was diappointed that he didn't get his colt but now he is so proud of his little filly, Shasta. He takes her on daily walks morning and night. She's already wearing her halter and follows on a lead rope (which makes her very smart for a two month old). She loves to have her head and neck scratched and will follow you everywhere once you start - she just can't get enough.