One of the fun Grandma duties that I proudly accept is the family cake maker. With 15 grandkids I get lots of request. Some of my proudest cakes are a princess castle for Adia, a baby einstiens cake for DJ, a very hungry caterpillar for Brooke, a cute baby girl with [igtails for Lauren, Cowgirl Dora for Avery, the little mermaid for Hailey, Elmo for Madeline and oh so much more. I'm at Amy's house right now and this in the only picture she had so although it's not my favorite this is a puppy for Adison's first birthday (it looks like her new dog Max).
Thank you mom for helping me with the beautiful butterfly for my junior high bake sale. We never could make it again but it sure started a fun tradition.
Great BLog Gramma!!
I love it and I love you even more!! Hailey
Good Job Mom. I must verify that this cake doesn't even show a glimpse of your real talent. By the way... Kenyon needs a real cake this year. Get those creative juices flowing!
OOPS... that was me accidentally using Adia's account.
Woohoo! Look at us, Gloria, "G'mas in cyberspace!" Now you can add blogging to your endless list of talents!
Grandma, hey do you remember the snake cake you made me? Well I just wanted to let you know that was my favorite one you've ever made and the coolest! I love you!
Gramma, Just to let you know I think you should do another post that I can memorize seeing that I have almost memorized this one from reading the same one over and over. I love you!! Hailey
Love the cake mom! Too cute. Are you ready to make another one for DJ? (Dump Truck cake this year)
Can't wait to see you (only three more weeks and we'll be there) Love you!
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